Phillip Cooke, Christus resurgens
Henrik Dahlgren, Three Latin Hymns:
Ave maris Stella
Ave Regina Caelorum
Ave Maria
Sir James MacMillian, If ye love me
Sir James MacMillan, For a thousand years
Phillip Cooke, Veni Sponsa Christi
Sir James MacMillan, I will take you from the nations
Phillip Cooke, O Lord, save thy people
Sir James MacMillan, Be who God meant you to be
Sir James MacMillan, The Highgate Motet
Andrew Smith, Christi tractus in odore
Andrew Smith, Rex et martyr triumphalis
Andrew Smith, Old Irish Blessing
More download and streaming links will be published here.
Producer: Emily Baines
Recording Engineer: John Croft - Chiaro Audio
Artwork: Tony Garrett